This is so similar to my journey through the herbal & new age space. Thank you!

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Thanks for your insights into the current moment...I don't see this particular point brought up often, so I might be mistaken in its relevance, but it looks to me that historical harm to black communities by the medical establishment is also a factor. Today I read a headline from a teen vogue journalist about how retin A was secretly tested for years on black prisoners. And of course there have been so many more atrocities along those lines. I feel like rectifying those abuses and establishing trust again would also go a long way in untangling this ghastly knot. But again, I could be overshooting on that assumption when it comes to this particular topic. Maybe that's a conversation that would've been more useful if it happened long before now.

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oh, I completely agree with you. There’s much to say about medical racism—I do wanna highlight that what RFK is doing is *also* medical racism, and seeks to expand that harm, as does toxic wellness, so it’s like fighting fire with fire, ya know?

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Oh yes, I don't agree with what he's doing in his role and don't believe he should be there to begin with. I do see though that he's taken advantage of something that was already there, which is a deep distrust of the medical establishment...and at least part of that is because of those historical abuses I mentioned, and also like the author said, doctors who are at times apathetic about their patient's experience with side effects or whatnot...but at the same time there's a streak of eugenic thinking that has always been present in the American consciousness, about who deserves health and life and who doesn't...and I believe it's a combination of those things that contribute to his influence. This is me trying to find a place to land and understand the current moment in a way that's helpful.

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Brilliantly written. So needed! 🙏

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Wow this is right right riiiiight on time in my realm following this New Moon in Pisces. Thank you for articulating all this. I’m actually having a convo with a Black Herbalist/Naturopath (my boss) v soon around being careful to not fall into uplifting fascist/eugenics ideologies around not vaccinating. Her ideology is that everything can be healed thru diet and herbal medicine. I’m starting to recognize where I have to differentiate and stand in my own. Really tryin to learn how to be a strong advocate against eugenics, antiblackness and transphobia in my community. Are there any resources that were formative for you that you recommend reading before having this convo? Or would you be open to a consult? Becoming a paid subscriber now 💜

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